Cabtyre Cable (IP67) Smartclick

Cabtyre Cable (IP67)

Product specifications Details Model Standard price
CAD(Plan view)
Cabtyre cable
(IP67) (1.25sq)
With M12 connector
Straight socket M12/straight plug M12, 3m BL2-1S1P-3K Open dxf
Straight socket M12/straight plug M12, 5m BL2-1S1P-5K Open dxf
Straight socket M12/straight plug M12, 10m BL2-1S1P-10K Open dxf
4-core discrete-wire/straight socket M12, 3m BL2-0C1S-3K Open dxf

*When connecting an M12 connector spec waterproof cable as a trunk line or branch line when using various remote unit devices compatible with IP67 (IP66), use our products listed above (such as BL2-1S1P) with an internal wiring spec of 1.25sq wherever possible. If you would like to use a smaller wire diameter waterproof cable for routing, the OMRON XS5 series is recommended (As the internal wiring is 0.5sq, it is necessary to pay attention to the DP-DN allowable supply current value when using an XS5 series waterproof cable totaling 10m or longer for one system. Please contact us for details). Furthermore, as some XS5 series products cannot be used, please contact our technical support service listed at the end of this booklet or our sales division.